About Us

The Florida Association of Mortgage Professionals was founded in 1960 and presently has over 1,500 members and 7 chapters located statewide.

Mission Statement

The Florida Association of Mortgage Professionals' mission is to promote and advance the common business interests of Florida's licensed loan originators and mortgage professionals through education, advocacy, networking, technology and ethical practice.

Vision Statement

FAMP: Your Industry - Your Voice


When you become a member of our association, you may join a chapter of your choice. Chapter information and locations are shown on the Chapter Page. FAMP provides benefits and discounts as part of your membership package.

Convention & Tradeshows

FAMP hosts one of the nation’s largest state mortgage convention and trade shows. Several chapters also host local trade shows. Schedules are posted annually. Chapter trade shows commence in January of each year.


FAMP provides career enrichment and NMLS Approved education programs. Each chapter sponsors education throughout the year. FAMP also offers a series of webinars based on a variety of member driven topics.

Message from the President

It’s not what FAMP can do for you; it’s what you can do for your industry!

It is my honor and privilege to be your 2024/2025 FAMP President. At the risk of sounding cliché, I’m referencing JFK’s famous inaugural address from 1961 to challenge our 55,000 loan originators, members, and affiliates in the Florida real estate industry to come together and support the industry that provides for you and your family.

The Florida Association of Mortgage Professionals has been a pillar of support for loan originators for over six decades. Founded 64 years ago, FAMP’s core mission is simple yet vital: to advocate, educate, and create networking opportunities for mortgage professionals across the state of Florida. As an organization, FAMP is deeply committed to ensuring that loan originators like you have the tools, resources, and representation needed to thrive in an ever-changing industry.

So how can you help your industry?

Here are three simple ways:

Step 1: Pay your dues. For just $149 a year, plus an optional $50 or $100 for PAC, you’re investing in the future of our industry. These funds allow us to host events across the state including networking opportunities, webinars, and mandatory continuing education courses. PAC contributions are critical for meeting with legislators and advocating for the issues that affect our industry such as Hometown Heroes, Trigger Leads, condo and insurance reform and many others crucial legislative referendums. If you do nothing else, make sure to do Step 1.

Step 2: Participate. Attend our statewide events, webinars, CE classes and our industry leading tradeshow in August. We have local chapters in Miami, Broward/Gold Coast, Orlando, as well as our Gulf Coast and North Florida regions which hold events in Ft. Myers, Sarasota, Tampa, Jacksonville and Tallahassee and other nearby cities. We send out a monthly calendar of events highlighting ways you can support and engage with your local chapter or region.

Step 3: Get involved. This year’s Executive Committee members, Nathaniel Bittman, Adam Zima, Jason McMullen and Bryan Cronin are simply the current stewards of the leadership mantel created decades ago, and we are always seeking the next generation of leaders to carry it forward. Join your local board as a Committee Chair, State Director, Board Member or apply to become a Regional Director. Seven years ago, I started in Miami to learn what FAMP was doing for business owners like me and that’s when I got the call to serve. I found an avenue to share my opinions and values, which eventually led to leadership. Becoming FAMP President is one of my greatest professional achievements, and it all started with a simple call to my local chapter.

FAMP is more than just an organization, it’s a movement driven by loan originators like you. We can only thrive with your support and active participation. Let’s work together to ensure a bright future for our industry. Thank you for your commitment, and I look forward to seeing what we can achieve together.

Executive Committee

Orlando Diaz


Metro Fund Inc.

Adam Zima



Jason McMullen

Vice President

Nationwide Appraisal Network

Nathaniel Bittman

Immediate Past President

NFM Lending

Bryan Cronin


Acrisure National Lender Services

Association Management Team

Lauren Stafford

Executive Director

Lauren has been with FAMP since 2025 and works with FAMP leadership to develop goals and implement the association strategic plan.

Areas of Focus: leadership, membership, advocacy and governance

Elizabeth Cunningham

Account Manager

Elizabeth has been with FAMP since 2024 and works with FAMP leaders and members to manage and implement the objectives and activities of the association.

Areas of Focus: Member requests and information, database and event management, content creation

Aubrie Leigh Eagerton

Director of Events & Programs

Aubrie Leigh has been with FAMP since 2023 and works with FAMP leaders to develop and manage the events and education of the association.

Areas of Focus: Event management, continuing education, communications

FAMP Committees

Committees are comprised of dedicated volunteers who support the mission and goals of the association. In addition to helping your profession and the association succeed, serving on a committee helps volunteers develop their leadership skills. All members in good standing are welcomed to join a committee by contacting the committee chair today!


The bylaws committee evaluates the current bylaws of FAMP and ensures they are up to date. They make suggestions to the Board of Directors on changes to be voted on by the membership of FAMP.

Chair: Jackie Mamber


The convention committee plans, organizes, and implements the FAMP Annual Convention & Trade Show.

Chair: Jason McMullen

The education committee organizes and sets up all continuing education classes, pre-licensing classes, boot camps, and webinars.

Chair: Nathaniel Bittman 

Government Affairs

The Government Affairs committee works in conjunction with the association lobbyist, Executive Committee, and Board of Directors to keep the association members up to date on all current legislative and regulatory affairs.

Chair: Rick Fabricio

The Membership Committee is responsible for new member recruitment, current member retention, and corporate member development. The committee has the privilege of developing and communicating FAMP member benefits to all FAMP members.  

Chair: Linda Knowlton

Vice Chair: Joni Pilgrim

Affiliate Director: Steve Barker

Corporate Director: Denis Kelly

Past Presidents

The Past Presidents Committee provides an ongoing evaluation of the FAMP's current activities as they relate to goals of the association while providing mentorship to current association leaders.

Chair: Nathaniel Bittman

Political Action Committee (PAC)

The PAC is the fundraising arm of FAMP's advocacy efforts which benefit the mortgage industry.

Chair: Daniel Hughes

Leadership Council

The Presidents Roundtable is comprised of volunteer chapter leaders who meet regularly to share challenges and successes to support the statewide network of mortgage professionals.

Chair: Jason McMullen

The History of FAMP

The Florida Association of Mortgage Brokers was officially incorporated July 7, 1960. Let’s review the evolution of mortgage brokering in Florida and the United States.

Several private mortgage companies were established in Florida during the 1940s. At that time banks and savings and loan associations dominated the first mortgage market. Small loan companies were one source for persons that did not qualify for a bank loan, but their loan limits were extremely low. Private lenders made first and second mortgages for persons who did not meet bank criteria. This business thrived. As the market evolved, so did the need for legislation. The Southern Mortgage Association was started by a few Miami-Fort Lauderdale companies and another mortgage group was organized in the Jacksonville area. Both organizations merged and worked with the legislature to create the first mortgage brokering act written in the United States. The act was created during the 1959-1960 legislative sessions and the Florida Mortgage Brokerage Act went into effect October 1, 1960. The next state to organize was Arizona in 1972.

Florida’s mortgage brokering act originally was based on the private lending market. The current law refers to private investors as “non-institutional investors”. Although they play a smaller part in today’s overall loan production, the non-institutional investor fills the void when the sub-prime market will not fund mortgages to persons who have credit problems. 

The late ‘60s and early ‘70s evidenced an age of national reform. The Equal Credit Opportunity Act, the Truth in Lending Act and the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act all came to fruition. Government sponsored enterprises, created by Congress in the early 70s, were authorized to invest in mortgages and funds were raised through the sale of mortgage backed securities. Prior to that time the Government National Mortgage Association, GNMA, who administered the FHA programs, was one of the major sources of mortgage funding.

Second mortgages became more prominent in the early 70s.  During this time Florida’s Legislature changed finance company regulation. This regulatory change allowed Florida’s Finance Companies to make mortgages up to $2,500. Around this same time, banks created the first "home equity loans” commonly called HELOC’s. Prior to that time second mortgages were rarely investment in which banks and S & L's participated. It was during this period that we saw the largest expansion in the mortgage market. The Federal Home Loan Board (Freddie Mac) and the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) became important players in the market during the early ‘80s by opening up the availability of funds through conforming loan underwriting. The Mortgage Insurance companies also evolved and played an important role in insuring the mortgages that were delivered to the secondary market. Mortgage Brokers became the conduit for delivery of conforming loans to mortgage bankers, who then delivered the loans to the GSEs. Banks no longer needed a retail presence in every city. Today, Mortgage Brokers deliver a large portion of the mortgage loans created in the United States. 

The sub-prime market became prevalent in the 1990s by serving the niche between the conforming and the non-institutional investor loan. This market has played an important role in creating homeownership for people who did not meet the conforming loan criteria.

The Florida Association of Mortgage Brokers is the oldest mortgage brokerage association in the United States. held its first convention in Winter Haven. Mayor L. W. Dunson, welcomed the brokers and the first day was devoted to organizational activities and discussions focused on the role of education in the mortgage business. Day two, the business meeting was conducted for the purposes of electing officers. Mr. J. W. Housefield was elected as FAMB’s first President serving his term during 1960/1961. The Association has remained viable and has played an important part in the legislative process both statewide and nationally.

The Florida Association of Mortgage Brokers founded the National Association of Mortgage Brokers in 1973. NAMB staged it first national convention in Atlanta in 1975. The majority of the attendees were Floridians. Walter Smith, one of FAMB’s past presidents, became the first president of the National Association. In 1983 John Yessayan (1983 president) , Don Roberts (1984) and Herman (HY) Weisser (1983) took the national association to Washington, DC. FAMB provided the seed money to help establish the presence needed in DC.

In 1990 members of FAMB were appointed by Comptroller Gerald Lewis to serve on the Sunset Task Force covering the re-write of FS494. 

Between 1988 and 1989 members of the Executive Committee, the MBA of Florida and the Department also worked with a facilitator discussing the manner in which the statute could be re-written. The 1990 version of the Florida Mortgage Brokerage and Lending Act has since become a model for many states.

After the passage of FS494 members of the FAMB were appointed by then Comptroller Robert Milligan to serve on the 1995 task force review of the statute. FAMB has played an important role in educating the brokers. Members were appointed to serve on the  state review committee for restructuring the pre-licensure exam. In 2001 FAMB was instrumental in requesting the legislature to institute continuing education for brokers and originators. Our state was one of the first to require CE credits for license renewal and since then, with the passage of Dodd-Frank all of the states require education. We formed the FAMB Education Foundation, which now provides chapter classroom education throughout Florida. The Foundation also oversees the faculty and education programs of the association. 

Members of the Government Affairs Committee and Executive Committee have testified before Congress during the national reform of RESPA and TILA in 1992-1994. Our members have consistently monitored mortgage laws. Had it not been for their involvement, far-reaching laws could have stifled the mortgage business in Florida. FAMB served on a coalition to write the Florida Fair Lending Act. Unlike many other states that passed very onerous predatory laws, the Florida law was structured utilizing the same triggers as Federal Law, thus lenders remained viable in our state.

During 2007 several changes occurred in Florida’s Crimes and Fraudulent Practices Statute as well as FS494. Working with the legislature, we were able to provide additional consumer disclosure protection in FS494. The changes will enable consumers to better understand the mortgage process. We supported the changes to the Fraudulent Practices Statute. These changes make it a felony for schemers to fraudulently mortgage and sell real properties. 

In March of 2008, the Association, in keeping up with the times, acquired the d/b/a Florida Association of Mortgage Professionals (FAMP).

Our work is never ending. Your association is constantly looking for ways to protect brokers legislatively and to enhance the benefits we provide as an association.


Linda Knowlton - Southwest Chapter (2020-2022)
Gino Moro, Broward - Gold Coast Chapter (2019-2020)
Kimber White, CRMS, Broward - Gold Coast Chapter (2017-2019)
Jon Turla, Space Coast Chapter (2016-2017)
David Kane, Southwest Chapter (2014-2016)
Valerie J. Saunders, CRMS, Jacksonville Chapter (2013-2014)
Carl Noriega, Miami Chapter (2012-2013)
Jon Turla, Space Coast Chapter (2011-2012) 
Richard Peek, CRMS, Central Chapter (2010-2011)
Valerie J. Saunders,CRMS, Jacksonville Chapter (2008-2010)
Ritch Workman, Space Coast (2007-2008)
Patrice P. Yamato, CRMS, Jacksonville Chapter (2006-2007)
Steven P. Schneider, CMC, CRMS, Miami Chapter (2005-2006)
Van R. Johnson, CMC, CRMS, (2004-2005)
Nelson A. Locke, CRML, Miami Chapter (2003-2004)
Lynn T. Ferrie, CMC, CRMS, Northwest Chapter (2002-2003)
Mary Spearman, Volusia Chapter (2001-2002)
Harry Gibson, GRML, Central Chapter (2000-2001)
Frank Cicione, CMC, CRMS, Northwest Chapter (1999-2000)
Susan M. Hanley, Jacksonville Chapter (1998-1999)
Michael H. Brady, Suncoast Chapter (1997-1998)
Mike Davenport, Gulf Coast Chapter (1996-1997)
William K Bolt, Southwest Chapter (1995-1996)
Joseph L. Falk, CMC, CRMS, Miami Chapter (1994-1995)
Sandi Tomaini-Hatin, Broward Chapter (1993-1994)
Robert H. Lurer, CMC, CRMS, Broward Chapter (1992-1993)
Steve Tomko, Gulf Coast Chapter (1991 - 1992)
Karen J. Wordell-Smith, RCMC, RCRMS, Northwest Chapter (1990-1991)
Gordon F. Lennon, Gulf Coast Chapter (1989-1990)
David Gold, Central Chapter (1988-1989)
Fred Corrie, Broward Chapter (1987-1988)
Jerry B. Hanley, Jacksonville Chapter (1986-1987)
Edwin C. Parrott, Jacksonville Chapter (1985-1986)
Willis B. Mall, Palm Beach Chapter (1984-1985)
Judith F. Richard, CMC, CRMS, Miami Chapter (1983-1984)
Herbert L. James (1982-1983) 
Herman M. Weisser (1981-1982)
H. Donald Roberts (1980-1981)
Werner Fischer, Citrus Chapter (1979-1980)
Bernie Epter, Miami Chapter (1978-1979)
John R. Yessayan, CMC, SMC (1977-1978)
Seymour B. Gold, CMC, CRMS, Broward Chapter (1976-1977)
Stanley C. Davis, Citrus Chapter (1975-1976)
Melvin J. Haber (1974-1975)
John W. Hohl (1973-1974)
Ronald Ames (1972-1973)
Raymond Powers, Jr. (1971-1972)
M.J. Simon (1969-1971)
Walter S. Falk (1968-1969)
Leo M. Nagle (1967-1968)
Walter D. Smith (1965-1967)
E.B. Mink (1964-1965)
Fred B. Arnold (1963-1964)
Angus McCabe (1961-1963)
J.W. Housefield (1960-1961)

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